Beware Of Facebook Dog Training Groups

I have to quit Facebook groups.

I was on one yesterday and someone asked what to do if you saw someone using punishment in a class.

I was confused because punishment is really a generic term and means many different things to different people.

No one would answer my question.

This is why many are getting confused about dog training. Punishment is often associated with hurting or harming the dog. Many trainers will tell you that anyone using or talking about punishment is an old school caveman trainer.


Using a negative consequence does NOT have to hurt or harm. The great trainer Gary Wilkes gives a great example. Imagine you are hungry and at a friend’s house. Your friend is cooking cheeseburgers on the grill.

He finishes and puts them on a platter. As he is walking the platter to the table, he sneezes with explosive force all over the burgers.

Negative consequence and your behavior is changed and no one touched you. You decide to pass on the burgers.

I know we are talking about humans but putting a dog in a crate is a form of punishment. Putting a leash on your dog is a form of punishment. Clipping your dog’s nails, getting vaccinations, spaying or neutering – all forms of punishment.

Luckily,you come to The Amazing Dog Training Man school of behavior and training because I’ll clear up the confusion for you.

Here is what you need to know in a nutshell: Want a behavior to happen more often? Apply a positive consequence. Want a behavior to stop and go away? Apply a negative consequence.

You CAN’T stop a behavior with a positive consequence. A good old fashioned “NO” given with a negative consequence and you can say goodbye to jumping, stealing, barking, begging and all the annoying behaviors that you’ve been putting up with for weeks, months, maybe years.

If you need more help, head on over to The Dog Training Inner Circle and dig in. With over 90 training videos, articles, ebooks and a forum where you can rap with me and other dog owners, you’ll have your dog trained in no time.

Here’s where to go if you in for ONLY $1.00:

Dog Training Inner Circle



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