Deadly Dog Training Myth

Deadly Dog Training Myth
Deadly Dog Training Myth

I hated Fridays.

Everyone loves Friday, why would I hate them.

I would meet with my friends after work. They would drink to celebrate the weekend.

I would drink to forget the day.

Way back when I started my dog training business I decided I liked food with my meals. Food with meals requires money.

I didn’t have much, and the little I did have went to rent, insurance and all the other bills you have.

I had introduced myself to the local shelter manager Joy Bannister. She founded and ran a shelter called Forever Paws.

Joy was great. She ran the shelter and was the Fall RIver Animal Control Officer. She offered me a job as a part time animal control officer working nights and weekends. Part time quickly became full time because I had more time than dog training clients.

The worst part of the job happened on Fridays. This was the day the van was loaded up with dogs going for their last ride. We always assisted the kind vet who had to put the dogs to sleep.

In a city of 90,000 people there were a lot of dogs and Joy did her best to adopt out as many of them as she could.

The sad part was many of the dogs were very nice. It is hard holding a nice dog as they get a lethal dose which finishes their life. Most of the dogs were brought in or dumped because of behavior problems.

A dog with behavior problems will not last long in a house.

In my new book The Deadly Dog Training Myth I write from this perspective. One of the biggest problems for a dog owners is confusion. Much of the dog training information conflicts.

I see it every day. The dog owner does not know who to listen to. There is so much misinformation and conflicting advice the dog owner scratches her head and thinks “Who do I listen to?”

In the first chapter I discuss an owner of a reactive Jack Russell Terrier who worked with a veterinary behaviorist for FIVE YEARS. I was speechless when I met the owner and dog.

The Jack was very sweet and I think I could see the faint white light of a halo over the owner’s head. She was a saint. Five years she had avoided the streets in her town. FIve years she met and PAID for training with ZERO results.

This dog would have most definitely ended up in a shelter with anyone else.

Three weeks later she was in a group obedience class.

She was a victim of The Deadly Dog Training Myth!

Anyway, you can get the full story for FREE! I am giving away the first three chapters of my book.

No need to order the whole book if you don’t like my writing or agree with the content.

Go ahead. Go get the first three chapters HERE:

Deadly Dog Training Myth

All the best,


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