Laws Of “Dog Training” Success

Law Of "Dog Training" Success
Law Of “Dog Training” Success

Napoleon Hill wrote a book back in the 1930’s called the Laws of Success.

In it he shares 17 principles for success. Number 10 is an interesting one. You see, principle 10 is Accurate Thinking and Mr. Hill states:

“Accurate thinkers permit no one to do their thinking for them. Gather information and listen to the opinions of others, but reserve for yourself the privilege of making decisions.”

This is some great advice for dog trainers because much of the information they teach is opinion based.

For example: A trainer that uses electronic collars will say that the dog does not suffer from any negative side effects. NOT true.

A trainer that hates electronic collars will tell you that you should never use them and that they don’t work. NOT true.

Then you have a dog trainer like me (hehe) that knows there are negative side effects when you use an electronic collar.

But, I also know that an electronic collar can save your dog’s life.

I try and never let my personal feelings, emotions or the opinions of others make my decisions.

I try to always try to use Accurate Thinking.

And share it with you so you get the best results. Recently, I talked about anticipation and how to use it to teach your dog to walk on leash without pulling. The technique I use is often criticized by other trainers but I’ll take the Pepsi challenge that it is the most effective way to teach loose leash walking.

That’s a bold statement. I know but I can show you how to do the same at any of our dog training classes. If you’re ready to train your dog to walk on leash, come when called, to STOP jumping and more check out our dog training classes by going here NEXT:

Dog Training Classes

All the best,



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