One Simple “Trick” To Get Damn Good Dog Training Results

One Simple “Trick” To Get Damn Good Dog Training Results
One Simple “Trick” To Get Damn Good Dog Training Results

You were very smart to read today’s hard hitting, information packed, entertaining email because of what you are going to learn.

But first, a quick story…..

…..a few years back at a business seminar I was attending, the speaker talked about how Disney World has a “No bad days” policy for their employees.

The speaker said that people save for years and travel thousands of miles expecting a trip of a lifetime.

If the guy dressed in the Goofy suit is in a bad mood and takes it out on a visitor, he has ruined their experience. Disney would rather you call in sick then come in and have a bad day. That’s a good way to approach your dog training. Here at Amazing Dog Training Man Central, we have a strict “No Bad Dog Training Days” policy.

If you’re having a bad day or are in a rotten mood, move on and do training another day.

Dog training really does start with the owner’s frame of mind. Dog training can get frustrating fast.

Author of the best selling, “How To Win Friends And Influence People,” Dale Carnegie, once asked the famous magician, Howard Thurston, what the secret to his success was.

Thurston had performed in front of sixty million people and admitted that he was not the best magician. That there were other more skilled magicians than he was.

He said the secret was what he did and said to himself BEFORE he preformed.

He would say to himself: “I am grateful for the people that come see me. I am going to do the very best I possibly can.”

So here is a very simple way to get great dog training results. Before you pick up the leash, before you grab some treats, take just a minute and say to yourself: “This is going to be a great training session. I am going to have fun and get great results.”

Repeat it a few times before you train your dog for the next week or so and you’ll see the difference.

And guess what?

If you do this along with the lessons taught in our dog training classes you’ll see HUGE results. You can get more information about our classes by going here NEXT:

Dog Training Classes




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