When You’re Ready To Stand In The Tall Grass With The Bog Dogs

Yesterday I wrote about and provided a video about Fritz the chicken chaser. And the questions poured in. I know, the video was astounding, it was amazing. How do you stop a dog from chasing and killing chickens. Especially when you don’t use a electronic, prong or choke collar. Here are a couple of questions that came in: “I think this email was written for me & my dog. We are moving in a few months & my new neighbors have chickens. I’m extremely worried because my GSP is a rescued hunting dog…chickens are his favorite. My new neighbor has… Read the rest

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How To STOP A Chicken Killer With Video

Did I ever tell you how much I love my job? Really, every day I get to work with dogs and their owners. And every day brings on its unique challenges. You never know what you’ll be dealing with. An aggressive GSD, a nervous Aussie, a cockapoo with a housetraining problem or a newly adopted mix breed dog that wants to kill chickens. And lives with 50 chickens. Would I be able to train a dog that wants to chase and kill chickens to safely live with the chickens? Is it possible? Can it be done? Will this assignment be… Read the rest

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Angry Bible Emails

WOW! I made one small reference from the Bible and the emails came pouring in. Some interesting, some funny and some very angry ones. How does one simple quote generate so much fervor? In case you missed it yesterday (which is why you have to tune in every day) I quoted Proverbs 20:18 “Get good advice and you will succeed. I also mentioned that dogs are in the Bible 44 times. That was it. Here is some of the response: “Eric… the references to dogs in the Bible are generally references to GENTILES (not canines).” KL “Take your bible and… Read the rest

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Dog Training Lessons From The Bible

Did you know that dogs are mentioned 44 times in the Bible? Cats……zero. Anyway, there is also some great advice for anyone looking for dog training help in the Bible. Here it is: Proverbs 20:18 “Get good advice and you will succeed.” Well hot diggity. Dog training guidance from the Good Book. The first three words are key: “Get good advice.” Because we constantly get advice it can be difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. Take it from a guy that has bumbled around the desert like a lost puppy because of bad advice. I would never give… Read the rest

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Purpose Driven Dog Training

Years ago when I was working as an animal control officer for the city of Fall River, MA I met and became friends with a guy I’ll call Eddie. Eddie used to have a habit of hanging out at the bars. He didn’t walk through the front door he would hang out back by the dumpster and wait for the empty bottles of booze to be tossed into the garbage. He would then gather up all the gin, tequila, whiskey and vodka bottles. He would pour the last few precious drops into a bottle that he called his “Coocoo juice.”… Read the rest

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How To STOP Chewing

Got an angry call yesterday. The caller was none too happy with his dog. The dog had decided to do some redecorating with his teeth and had destroyed some expensive objects. He wanted to know how he could stop this behavior and that a friend had given him some bitter apple and was hoping that would work. Luckily he called me. Because I instructed him on how to use taste deterrents. Taste deterrents are popular in pet stores. You can easily find bitter apple or sour grapes. Spray this concoction on whatever your dog is chewing and PRESTO, chewing problem… Read the rest

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The Way You Teach “NO” Is Magic

Training your dog using the ADTM system requires you to understand and accept two main points. They’re simple. Effective. And if you follow these two main points, you’ll have a trained dog faster than you’d think. The first part is easy. You teach your dog the word “YES” and use it when you want to teach your dog to do a behavior like sit, down, stay, etc. The second part requires you to ignore conventional wisdom and the overwhelming advice of legions of dog trainers that flood the internet and elsewhere. The second part requires you to teach your dog… Read the rest

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How To STOP Barking And Aggression On Leash (VIDEO)

This week I worked with a Rottweiler that was very reactive on leash. Barking, lunging, and acting aggressive when I walked in. The owners were in luck because this is right up my alley. I helped turn this Rotti around in less than a half hour. What? Not possible? You think you can’t change an aggressive, barking, lunging 14 month old Rotti into a nice, well behaved dog in less than a half hour. Good thing I made a video of it which you can see right here: Best, Eric… Read the rest

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Magical Dog Training

Growing up I had a best friend we’ll call Fred. At a very early age Fred developed an interest in girls. And he would do just about anything to show off in front of them. One day he got an idea inspired by the one guy that was every boy’s hero growing up in the 70’s. Fred was going to duplicate a stunt he saw Evel Knievel do. He built a ramp and was going to jump 19 garbage cans. Evel had jumped 19 cars and broke the world record. We could only round up about 8 garbage cans but… Read the rest

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How To Become A Better Dog Trainer

Okay, today I am going to make you a better dog trainer. You’re going to need a few things: Paper Pen Hat Friend Go get them. I’ll wait. Okay, now what I want you to do is write some behaviors on the paper. Here are some ideas: Walk backwards Hop on one foot Touch your knee Turn on a light switch Now put the behaviors in the hat. Pick a behavior out of the hat. You are now going to train the behavior to your friend. The way you are going to communicate is with the word “YES.” Every time… Read the rest

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