Eric Letendre

Can You Train Your Dog In 1 Minute A Day?

Can you train your dog in 1 minute a day? YES! And I am going to prove just training one minute a day can AND should be done. Every week I traverse the SouthCoast and parts of Rhode Island doing between 35 to 40 appointments a week. Every month I see a lot of dogs and owners. When I show up for the second or third appointment I hear the same comment. It goes like this: “I must be honest with you Eric. I didn’t do much training this week.” I ALWAYS tell the owner I understand, because I do.… Read the rest

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3 Magic Words To Solve All Dog Training Problems

Don’t you hate it when someone says: “3 Magic Words To Solve All Dog Training and Behavior Problems.” It sounds too good to be true. It is such a strong statement it must be just a way to get me to read further. BUT… I am being completely honest when I say there are just three words, that if followed will solve all your dog training and behavior problems. I teach these three words to every client I work with and repeat them often and I will share them with you in this message. Yesterday I was in New Bedford,… Read the rest

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Cure For The Reactive Dog

Years ago I worked as a private investigator for a large security firm out of Boston. My job was to work at different businesses undercover to root out any theft or illegal activities. The job required socializing with employees to find out who was stealing or dealing drugs. One night I was at a house hanging out drinking beers with a group from work when one of the guys got up, walked to the door and locked it. He made it clear no one was leaving. Being in this situation helped me understand reactive behavior in dogs. You see, reactive… Read the rest

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8 Power Words That Will Protect Your Dog

Are there really 8 words which can protect your dog? YES! There are 8 power words you can use which will get unknown dog owners to quickly leash their dogs and leave you alone. And I am going to share these eight words for you to use. I mentioned in yesterday’s post to send me an email if you’d like to know the eight words and… my inbox was flooded. So much so I decided to give them to everyone on my email list. One great email came in from Jenna, a dog trainer in New Jersey. She makes a… Read the rest

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Does Your Dog Lose It On Leash Around Other Dogs?

Is your dog impossible to control on leash around other dogs? This blog post is going help you with this frustrating behavior. Pass it on to any friend struggling with a dog who has this behavior. Many dog owners want to take their dog for a walk but they can’t do it. They can’t take their dog for a walk because their dog goes completely crazy and out of control at the sight of a person or another dog. The owner has to resort to walking early in the morning or late at night to avoid any confrontations. This is… Read the rest

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Come When Called Checklist

Saturday morning I was at Buttonwood Park in New Bedford, MA. A local rescue, Odie’s Place, was holding their annual benefit to raise money for animals. I had been asked to do a demonstration at 3:00 PM on teaching your dog to come when called. I wasn’t sure if the organizers knew what they were getting into, having The Amazing Dog Training Man offer training advice and demonstrate with dogs from the audience. Did they know what the response would be? Did they hire extra police for traffic and crowd control? Did they have mics and speakers set up for… Read the rest

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Why People Struggle With Dog Training – New Podcast

My friend was struggling. She was trying to teach her service dog to pick up items on command. She wanted her dog to pick up specific items when she asked for them. This is a requirement for service dogs and she felt like giving up. She was frustrated. Her dog was frustrated. Lucky for her she happens to be friends with the Amazing Dog Training Man and I quickly pointed out to her why she was having the problems she was. We made one small adjustment and her dog is now on the way to successfully retrieving items on command.… Read the rest

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Looking For Trouble

I got an angry email the other day. The writer stated: “Stop sending me emails. I never want to get another email from you again. You promote and breed purebred dogs when there are millions of unwanted dogs. You are disgusting.” When I stopped laughing I wrote her back. This is what I wrote: “I have NEVER bred any dogs in my ENTIRE career working with dogs. I do not talk about, promote or even talk about breeding in ANY of my emails. Go back to my blog and go through each entry and I defy you to find anything… Read the rest

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Could My Dog Training Career Be Over

Busy schedule the past few weeks. Last week I was in New Hampshire for a two day seminar with Blake Rodriguez. On Saturday I was in Spencer, MA to watch and learn from Ivan Balabanov. Ivan is a two time IPO World Champion. Couldn’t miss a chance to see him being so close to me. And you thought I spent my weekends sipping on frosty mugs of beer and watching Red Sox games. As the great Jim Rohn said: “School is never out for the pro.” So I still read, attend seminars, and continue to expand what I know about… Read the rest

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7 Leash Walking Tips…END Pulling On Leash Forever

I admit it. I have zero control. This little guy jumps, ignores my commands, demands attention, and I always find him on top of the counters. I turn around and he is into something – every time. He is not housetrained and puts everything in his mouth. I’m constantly pulling stuff out of his mouth. Every time I open the door he does his best to bolt out of it and the race is on. Spencer is his name and he is two years old. He was a good boy when we brought him home but as he gets older,… Read the rest

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