Eric Letendre

The Most Dangerous Threat To Your Dog

There are a lot of things that could threaten your dog. A hot car, chicken bones, chocolate and so on. But, if you were to ask me what the numero uno, biggest threat to a dog is I could answer with one word. Food. Or more specifically – dog food, the brand, what’s in it and how long you’ve been feeding it. Dogs generally eat the same food every day and it could slowly be killing him. I know, sounds like I am exaggerating, but hang with me a second more because I want to show you how dogs get… Read the rest

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Are You Using The Right Leash To Walk Your Dog?

Leash walking can be difficult, embarrassing and sometimes painful. If you’ve ever been dragged down the street by a dog, you know what I’m talking about. What most people don’t know is that the type of leash you use is important. Not only the type but also the length. You see, I’ve seen many dog owners try to teach their dogs to walk on leash with fishing pole leashes – also known as the flexi-leash. Worst leash on the planet for teaching loose leash walking. Next is the short leash. I’ve seen plenty of people use a short, three to… Read the rest

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Fall River MA Dog Training Class Learns Leash Walking Secret

Was teaching a dog training class in Fall River MA when we starting discussing Shakespeare. Probably one of his most famous lines is from Hamlet. Hamlet is thinking about cashing in by committing suicide when he said this famous line: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet was trying to figure out if he should live or die. So let’s step away from the ledge and talk about something less serious – like dog training. In particular, leashes. When it comes to training equipment, the leash is very important. But, a leash can cause a lot… Read the rest

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Short Dog Training Sessions In New Bedford MA

I was working with a dog owner in New Bedford MA the other day and was explaining why he should do short dog training sessions. Especially when it comes to the most important command you can teach your dog. The recall (come when called) command. The first exercise I do with the dog is what I call the Spring Loaded Recall Exercise. It’s done with a friend. Your friend holds the leash as you get your dog excited. Real excited. When your dog is spinning, barking and wagging his tail, you run away. You run about 20 feet away. Remember,… Read the rest

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Teaching Why “Alpha” Is Flawed In Middletown RI Dog Training Class

I taught dog training classes at The Potter League for Animals in Middletown RI for a while. It’s a great shelter with some great people. When I would teach a class at the shelter the first thing I would teach was about leadership and was very careful using the term “Alpha.” The first “canine term” most people learn is the word Alpha. “You have to be your dog’s alpha,” most of the experts claim as soon as the new dog owner attends an obedience class. There is mucho confusion about this in the dog training world, there is also a… Read the rest

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New Bedford MA Dog Training Class Exposes Top 5 Dog Training Myths

I was teaching a dog training class in New Bedford and I taught the owners about the top 5 dog training myths. There are many, many myths about dog training and behavior. Some of them have been floating around for years and have become fact to many people. Here are some of the most popular myths: Tug O War is bad – Tug is good. Dogs love to play tug. As long as you play with some simple rules, tug is one of the best games you could ever play with your dog. You can use the game as a… Read the rest

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Dog Training? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That!

Can six words launch a career? It did for “Sweet Brown” Wilkins. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Sweet Brown was being interviewed by a news station after a fire in her apartment complex. The video has tens of millions of views. You can watch it here: Sweet Brown Video At the end of the interview she states: “Ain’t nobody got time for that!” I think that is why so many people connected with her. Everyone is so busy these days. One of the biggest complaints I hear is that people don’t have time for anything extra –… Read the rest

Dog Training? Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That! Read More »

Unique Dog Advice From The Evil Russian

Have you ever heard of Spetnaz? Spetnaz is an elite Soviet special-forces unit and in the 1980’s one of their instructors was a guy by the name of Pavel Tsatsouline. Pavel came to America and became a fitness trainer, started calling himself “The Evil Russian” and wrote some great books.  I’ve been to a couple of his seminars and he is a great speaker. If you’re into this kind of stuff, I highly recommend his books and products. Anyway, I was re-reading one of his books the other day when I came across his term for “Greasing the groove.” He… Read the rest

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Westport MA Dog Trainer Is A Flawed Individual

I love being a Westport MA dog trainer. Training dogs in Westport MA and the surrounding communities is awesome.  The ocean, farms, somewhat of a city life in Fall River and New Bedford is great. I was introduced to Jimmy Buffett hanging out at The Back Eddy in Westport long ago. Loved listening to his music ever since and one of my favorite songs is Fruitcakes. Here is the best line of the song: “You know I was talking to my friend Desdemona the other day she runs this space station and bake shop down near boomtown.  She told me… Read the rest

Westport MA Dog Trainer Is A Flawed Individual Read More »

Swansea Dog Trainer Learns Valuable Lesson From Portuguese Fisherman

Two things I loved as a kid growing up in Swansea MA. Fishing and dog training. I spent my summers on the banks of Lee’s River in Swansea, MA. I loved it. I would spend my days swimming, sailing, fishing and snorkeling and the neighborhood was loaded with dogs. We had a few favorite spots to fish and one of them was a bridge that was also popular with the local community. The southeastern part of Massachusetts has a large Portuguese community and I used to watch them fish because they were so good at it. For every one fish… Read the rest

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