This Common Mistake Could Kill Your Dog

Hartford CT in the early 90’s was not Miami Beach.

People didn’t exactly flood there for vacation, sightseeing, top notch restaurants or much else.

The north end was not a place that you would take a casual evening stroll with a loved one holding hands taking in the ambiance of the city. Unless you were into shootings, drug deals and possible stabbings.

This is where I was working at the time. I was doing K9 Security and occasionally had run ins with the locals. A friend of mine who provided guard dogs for businesses in the area (junkyards, car dealerships, etc.) told me of a new way the local punks where killing dogs.

They would take a sponge, soak it in gravy and then let it dry out. Once dried, they would throw it over the fence for the dogs to eat. The sponge would get consumed, enter the dog’s digestive system and would eventually kill the dog because of the obstruction.

His job was to make sure that his dogs would ONLY eat from their food bowls. Otherwise his dogs would die. This may sound like an extreme case but it is not much different than what I have to do with new puppy owners.

Puppies will chew through electrical cords, eat chicken bones, swallow socks and more. If you don’t teach the dog what they can and can’t chew your dog could end up injured or worse.

It’s ironic but when you think about it, but a new puppy owner’s job is always trying to prevent the pup from committing suicide. They walk right into the street with cars whizzing past, they bolt out the door into potential harm, eat chocolate if given the chance and will try to ingest anything even remotely edible….sometimes inedible.

Luckily, you and I are friends. Because I can help you with your dog at any age with any behavior problem. And on July 13th at 7:00PM you can attend my Dog Behavior Boot Camp for FREE!

It will be held at my good friend Maia’s Wiggle Room Dog Daycare in Middletown RI. I am going to share the THREE MAIN Reasons why your dog does NOT listen to you and how to solve behavior problems.

You can register online and get more info on the Dog Behavior Boot Camp here:

Dog Behavior Boot Camp

Or if you’d like to register over the phone you can give me a call at 774-319-6351.

If you want in I need to hear from you because SPACE IS LIMITED and I expect this puppy to fill up fast.

All the best,


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