Behavior Problems

Dogs In Quebec Are In Big Trouble

Having a strong French heritage and relatives, my father brought our family to Quebec when I was young. By the time we got to Canada my brother had developed a serious case of poison ivy on his foot. So bad that he could not walk and had to go to the hospital. He told me later that the doctors had to pop the blisters and apply some type of medicine and then bandaged his foot. He told me how much it hurt. So you’re probably wondering why I am writing about my brother’s gnarly foot on a family trip to… Read the rest

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80 Year Old Grandmother Is A “Barbaric” Dog Owner

I came across an article from the UK. The title of the article is: “St. Albans dog owner’s warning over “barbaric” electric collar training.” You can look it up if you’d like. Anyway, in the article a local dog trainer came across a women with a basset puppy that was using a shock collar. The women with the collar was repeatedly applying corrections to the basset from the collar. The trainer said that she took the handheld device away from the women and threw it in the river. The story then goes on about how electronic collars are the same… Read the rest

80 Year Old Grandmother Is A “Barbaric” Dog Owner Read More »

Trash Thief

Here is a question that I got the other day: Eric, “Would you mind doing a blog about how to stop your dog from going into the garbage? My miniature schnauzer just got over a severe pancreatic attack and I caught her yesterday with a chicken bone from the trash. HELP!” Annette P. This is a great question because it cuts right to the bone. Basically she is saying: “I need to know how to stop this behavior or my dog could die.” Luckily, she asked me because I won’t sugarcoat the answer. I’ll give her the right answer without… Read the rest

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A Condition That Is Affecting Thousands Of Dogs And How To Avoid It

There is a condition in dogs I am seeing more and more of. This condition is serious and the more I see it the more I feel I should write about it but I know it will be taken the wrong way. Mostly because it flies in the face of most of the conventional wisdom you’ll read, watch or hear about dog training. But as the Rollo May said: “The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, it’s conformity.” You see, the condition I see in dogs today is what I call….. …..Bratty Dog Syndrome. These are dogs… Read the rest

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I Got Bit

So yesterday I wrote an email “I Almost Got Bit Last Night.” Did a behavior evaluation yesterday and guess what happened? WHAM! The Amazing Dog Training Man gets bit. So much for being the “highly skilled, competent dog trainer with cat like reflexes” like I wrote in yesterday’s email. It was a rookie mistake and I should have known better. The problem with working with aggressive dogs is that you need a certain level of confidence. And that confidence can get you in trouble if you are not careful. I had evaluated the dog and we were walking back into… Read the rest

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I Almost Got Bit Last Night

I almost got bit last night. I was working with two dogs in the home with the dog’s owner. I was bending over, helping one of the dogs into a down position. The other dog came right up to my face, barked and snapped missing my right cheek by centimeters. I stood up, looked at the owner and said: “We need to take care of that.” The owner apologized and said that she was scared that I was going to get bit. I asked her to relax and informed her that I was a highly skilled, competent dog trainer with… Read the rest

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How To Train Your Dog When You Have No Time

I’m sitting here this morning wanting to crawl back into bed for a few more zzzz’s. But I have a busy day in front of me after an extremely busy weekend. I’ve been on the run since Friday afternoon. Saturday we had a float in the town parade followed by some friends and family over for a clamboil (not a clambake, clamboils are a popular dish here in Southeastern MA.) Sunday was another party and now back to work till about 7:00PM tonight. I share this with you because I know many of you are busy and can’t find the… Read the rest

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Popular Author That Fooled Millions

Are you familiar with the name Washington Irving? You probably don’t recognize his name but you know stories that he is famous for. Irving is the author of “Rip Van Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” What you don’t know about him is that he probably fooled you like millions of others. In 1828 he wrote a best selling book about Christopher Columbus. The most popular chapter in the book described a thrilling confrontation in which Columbus had to convince a bunch of disbelieving Spanish intellectuals who argued that the world was flat. Here’s what really happened. Columbus did… Read the rest

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Does Your Dog Spite You?

Earlier this week I wrote about Donald Trump. I said he’ll never make it to election day, that he will drop from the race with some excuse about why he can’t run. The response was interesting. Some emails I received were pro-Trump and some were very anti-Trump. I made the prediction because I really don’t believe he wants the office of President. So why would he put all this time and effort into something he does not want? You have to look at his underlying reasons for doing this. You see, what he wants is…. …..publicity. In the past week… Read the rest

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This Will Solve Any Of Your Dog Training Problems

QUESTION: How does your dog learn? ANSWER: Two ways. Your dog learns through Association. Consequence. Let’s say you open the refrigerator door. Your dog comes over and you give him a slice of cheese. You repeat this process a few times and your dog will associate the sound of the fridge door opening with the cheese and he will come running. Learning through association – also know as… classical conditioning. Next you open the fridge door and your dog comes running over. Instead of simply handing your dog the cheese you say, “sit.” Your dog sits and you hand the… Read the rest

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